Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Huh?! Us and them on the same side? You sure!?

Robert Watson me thinks he needs to be given a fingerBarack Obama issues special Ramadan message

Top of the Ticket
Los Angeles Times

Democrat president wishes the world's 1.5 billion Muslims Ramadan Kareem, says he'll the White House this week.

5 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · ShareRosalie Comporato likes this.

Aqua Nett Yet another lie. Says he is a Christian, Christians do not celebrate their holidays. Can his nose get any more brown? How can he stand the smell?

5 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Josh Easton People that are different are allowed to exist. If you don't think so what does this make you? Should a president not wish Christians Merry Christmas or Jewish people happy Hanukkah?

Islam is an Abrahamic religion just like those two and act...ually has more followers. What are you saying? What do you want humanity to be?

Accepting of other people? Freedom of religion? All created equal? Do unto others?

What is it? What are you trying to say here?!See more

5 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·

Josh Easton

5 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·

Aqua Nett And they are intolerant of other religions. Perhaps I should introduce you to some of my Christian Arab friends who came here from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc. and get you clued into how peaceful and tolerant Islam is NOT with their sharia law and murder in the name of their "peaceful" customs.

5 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Josh Easton Yes, but you are living in the United States which tries to hold itself ABOVE other countries in acceptance and morality. "

Bring us your sick and poor masses yearning to be free."

That sort of thing. Did the rules change and you guys decided to flush all that good will down the drain? What did you get in return?! I hope it was worth it.See more

5 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·

Robert Watson Josh, you really need to bring your A-game, when you step to the plate. You are simply naive, at best, if you think that we are upset because our president is wishing a group of people a happy holiday. That is so ridiculous that you embarrass yourself.

5 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Josh Easton No, I think I've been nice and given you the benefit of the doubt. Don't mistake this for weakness and don't talk down to me. Treat me with the respect that I deserve in this conversation and explain it to me then.

5 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·

Robert Watson ‎@ Josh: Respect is earned. Telling you that you need to bring a better game, that you are naive, at best, and that you embarrass yourself are NOT examples of talking down to you. I do not mistake anything you have said as "weakness." Its more about your comments not being well thought out. Like I said, it is far too lengthy to bring you up to speed. I would suggest you do some reading on the matter.

5 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Josh Easton Oh, I've done quite a bit of reading on the subject. I am quite knowledgable I assure you. So, explain it to me why the Persident of your country deserves to be given the finger for giving Ramadan tidings to the 1.5 billion Muslims of the w...orld and the 7 million American Muslims?

Respect is given in a discussion or there is no discussion. See more

5 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·

Michelle White Walp Sorry to jump in here, but Josh this country was founded as "one nation under God"....freedom to worship God is a right however practicing sharhira law because it's their "religion" is wrong....If my religion says it's ok to murder people,... as does Islam, does that make it ok?....

I don't want to speak for Robert, but after reading your posts, they are just very vague and sounds like your are repeating what you heard on CNN or something.

We are a Christian nation and we also have an American Culture, I would not go Italy or Spain and expect everyone to speak English and provide me with a Baptist church and my one customs....When in Rome...You respect and accept our democratic culture, or go back to where you came from.

See more

5 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Michelle White Walp All that being said let's not forget radical islam slammed our country on our own soil and now we are going to celebrate their holdiday in the whitehouse that our taxes pay for...HELLO!!!

5 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Josh Easton ‎@Michelle: No, your country was founded as a secular nation with freedom from religious persecution in mind. This is freedom of religion.

We're not talking about other countries but you might want to check how many of those really evil Isla...mic countries are given billions of dollars a year by your government which the despot dictators use to fund their militaries and stay in power.

But, we are talking about your country which has freedom of religion does it not? We are also talking about Islam which is the third abrahamic religion that refer to the SAME god when they pray are we not?See more

5 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·

Josh Easton Radical Islam accounts for 1% of Islam. By the USA CIA estimates alone there are less than 10,000 radicalized Muslims in the world.

4 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·

Michelle White Walp ‎@ Josh, no read up on American history. I know the gov't is corrupted by policiticians who give those eveil islamic countries money...

4 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Michelle White Walp I'm not going to argue abnout Islam they are on mission and that is do destroy western free civilization and Obama is opening the door.

4 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Michelle White Walp I would love to continue this discussion another night, but i have lots to do, just answer me this so we are on even ground are you and Islamic American and an American citizen??? After I get sleep we can discuss I said, Robert, sorry for jumping in....It's Obama that makes me sick....not Josh...

4 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Michelle White Walp ‎@Robert, I just looked at Josh's profile info....don't bother wasting your breath...just rederick...I wish i didn't even comment now, next time I won't but in until AFTER I look at one's profile info. lol

4 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Robert Watson Hey Josh, I think I need to apologize to you. I did not mean to slam you...So far, I totally disagree with you. But, that can always change. I have had a really horrible couple of days. I didnt think it was affecting me. However, I could be... wrong.

I do have a "quick" question. For discussion purposes, What do you point to to show that America was founded as "a secular nation with freedom from religious persecution in mind." I feel I can point to so much to contradict that, that I am really interested to know what you think.See more

4 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Josh Easton Oh, I just googled it:


Sorry, it was 5:00 here and had to drive home from the office. Michelle, I'm sorry you can feel that way about a fellow human being based on his fb page. Having a simple discussion is in no way threatening your beliefs. It just helps us understand eachother a little better which can lead to less people trying to kill eachother and that is what I like to do. I'm a Canadian, a left leaning person, and an athiest. I just read an article the other day here I'll link it for you:

It has it in there that us left wing Canadians were on the same side of this issue as you right wing Americans. I just thought I'd try to understand you guys a bit better. Who knows. Maybe we might need to borrow some guns!

But to get back to the subject at hand Robert, if I remember correctly there were a number of groups known to most folks as Quakers but they were actually many different kinds of splinter groups from various faiths fleeing religious persecution. Were these not the first Americans?See more

3 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·

Robert Watson Oh Josh.....Using Wikipedia for your arguments is like Skin Heads using KKK documents to prove their points. Wikipedia is not considered reliable

3 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Michelle White Walp josh, I could tell you were a left leaning, athiest by your posts and ur profile just confirmed that for me. That's all. Athiests and God fearing people really can't have a healthy discussion because the whole foundation of our being is ...conflicting. My foundation in Jesus and your lack there of will never allow us to agree, and that's how it should be.

It was nice chatting with you. I'm out.See more

3 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Josh Easton Oh? Why is it the way it should be? We're both people aren't we? Both equal. I don't want to destroy you. I respect your beliefs, I just have my own. I went to Catholic school. I know your beliefs. A lot of my friends and family are I get along fine with them. I'm here doing unto others if it makes any better sense. :)

I am critical of Religion as I am critical of everything in life. I'm a critic. So sue me!

I am a bit critical of religin also when someone advocating for religion in politics in one paragraph is writing in another how religion in politics ruined so many countries in the Middle East. I totally agree with you. Religion and politics should NOT be mixed!

Oh, Robert. I would have put the whole First Amendment and Thomas Jefferson thing into my own words but you did request a source. I gave wiki because I was lazy I admit but if you insist I will find another source.

Is the First Amendment Library ok? more

3 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·

Josh Easton Oh, and would you know it? The Jefferson Encyclopedia:

3 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·

Michelle White Walp I was almost) asleep, but had to get up for one more comment, when I said given our oppisite bieliefs in Jesus (not regileon, catholic, greek, or asked aren't we "both equal"......We are all created equal, but's that's it, y...ou choose your own path based on your own beliefs from there. God gave us the choice. So all men may be created equal, born with same choices. The inequalitieis start showing as people make their life choices...don't know if that makes sense, i'm really half asleep. See more

3 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Josh Easton Am I not equal? I can work, eat, sleep, vote, travel just the same as you? Where am I not equal?

We are from different countries but I'm not going to hold you being American against you if you don't hold my being Canadian against me! The ta...r sands thing here we have. Makes us look worse than you guys to the world right now. We're trying to fix that with trying to take down this corrupt government we have here.

We can rebel the same. We probably hate the same fat cat rich people. I don't know why you keep voting to lower their taxes though. We're talking about the REALLY rich. The top 1 percent that owns more financial wealth than the bottom 95 percent of you!

Is THAT who you're really mad at? That's who I'm mad at!

You're going to love this source:

See more

2 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·

Robert Watson I'm done Josh. This is the wrong forum to discuss topics in anything other then short "sound bites." Good night and best o luck to you.

2 hours ago · LikeUnlike